Why inflation matters
Inflation is when money loses value over time. It’s happening constantly – things are generally more expensive than they were a few years ago. Our range of solutions have been designed to combat the effects of inflation, giving you the desired lifestyle you want in the future.
Inflation has long been a problem for people with savings and investments, reducing the purchasing power of their money. Through compounding, this effect can grow over time.
Consumer Price Index (CPI) is the rate at which the prices of goods and services bought by households rise or fall. A better way of thinking about this is to imagine a very large shopping basket containing those goods and services bought by households. For example; transport, housing, alcohol & tobacco, and food. As the prices of the various items in the basket change over time, so does the total cost of the basket.
Our range of solutions
Expertly managed portfolios | Multi-manager investments | Giving you peace of mind
Our range of actively managed multi-manager investment funds can be held individually, or can be blended together to provide a portfolio with exposure tailored to a client’s needs.
Our investment portfolios have been designed to combat the effects of inflation, with the aim of helping clients provide for their future desired lifestyle.

Real Value
This portfolio is intended to provide capital growth and to offer a total return after fees that at least meets the rate of inflation, measured by the UK Consumer Price Index (CPI), over any five-year period.

Real Growth
This portfolio is intended to provide capital growth and to offer a total return after fees of at least the rate of inflation, measured by the UK Consumer Price Index (CPI), plus 1% (per annum) over any five-year period.

Dynamic Growth
This portfolio is intended to provide capital growth and to offer a total return after fees of at least the rate of inflation, measured by the UK Consumer Price Index (CPI), plus 3% (per annum) over any five-year period.

This portfolio is intended to provide increasing income (measured by annual monetary gross distributions per unit per annum) and a total return after fees of at least the rate of inflation, measured by the UK Consumer Price Index (CPI), plus 1% (per annum) over any five-year period.
For these purposes, total return means the amount of capital and income an investor earns.
We are able to offer blended solutions to meet different client needs and objectives. Please see the individual factsheets for the asset mix and fund selection including performance and costs.