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Investment philosophy
How we manage clients’ money

Latest views Investment portfolios

Our solutions are constructed around strategic asset allocations

Our managers meet on a weekly basis to discuss the economic themes which are expected to affect investor portfolios. Based on the team’s conviction, they will adjust the strategic asset allocation to underweight/overweight asset classes and geographical regions within the risk profile of the fund. This forms the tactical asset allocation.

Once the asset allocation has been agreed, the managers will typically hold between 12 and 20 underlying funds to create relatively high conviction portfolios whilst maintaining a high level of diversification.

Where the managers believe conditions are right, they can change strategy and substitute funds or fund managers within different sectors in order to make the portfolio more efficient, or depending upon prevailing market conditions they can adopt a more aggressive or defensive approach. They believe the key to success is the ability to adapt to the economic environment.

Investment philosophy BUILT ON independent research

At Future Money our investment philosophy focuses on long term market trends and is grounded in thorough independent research.

The portfolios are actively managed, with investment exposure across asset classes tactically positioned in line with the current environment.

Expected growth rates are an important factor when taking investment decisions, but so too are current valuations. For an investment to deliver sustainable returns, there must be a rational justification for its projected future.

A consistent process is applied across the Future Money range, with allocations adjusted for the specific aims of each portfolio. Diversification is a key factor in portfolio construction. This applies to both broad asset allocation decisions and also in the fund selection, where a range of investment styles are used.

In selecting underlying investments, the Future Money team favour those managers with consistency in process, a proven track record and thorough risk controls.

How we construct portfolios

Strategic asset allocation

Sets risk reward profile of portfolio


Tactical asset allocation

Identify investment cycle and adjust strategic asset allocation accordingly


Fund Selection

Research existing holdings and identify new investments

Why Multi-manager

Future Money runs a range of actively managed multi-manager investment solutions which can be held individually, or can be blended together to provide a portfolio with exposure tailored to a client’s needs.

  • > Sector specialist managers at every stage of investment
  • > Diversification across investment securities, asset classes, regions and investment styles
  • > Positioning actively managed to remain attractive as market conditions evolve